Special Flash Issue 50/50
50-Word Introduction from Alisa Golden, Editor50-Word Stories
Prayer BoxJosé Angel Araguz. Image by José Angel Araguz.*
A More Civilized Approach
Paul Beckman. Image by Paul Beckman.
Stacks of Cloth
Charlene Logan Burnett.
Birthing Class at Wyman Elementary
Charlene Logan Burnett.
Just One More
Jonathan Cardew. Image by Matt Ritchie.
Two Words
Chelsey Clammer. Image by Chelsey Clammer.
West 12th Street
Victor Clevenger.
Who Is Sylvia?
Marion Cohen.
Childhood Insomnia
Marion Cohen.
Hero Convention
Wesley Cohen.
Pinnocchio's Lament
Wesley Cohen.
Dawn Corrigan. Image by Dawn Corrigan.
After the Funeral
Ryan C. Daily. Image by Ryan C. Daily.
The pocket watch meant something to her
Carol Dorf.
Jennifer Fliss.
Charles Dickens Watches The Muppet Christmas Carol
Jennifer Fliss.
Japanese Warriors, Saving Their Lives and Dignities—A Dream
Joachim Frank. Image by Joachim Frank.*
What Happens When You Die
Casey Hampton.
Cancellations During National Poetry Month
Brianne Holmes.
Brianne Holmes.
Sort of Woman
Kate E Lore. Image by Kate E Lore.
The Immigrant
Mohini Malhotra. Image by Rasha Amin.
White Star Liner Notes, 1912
Todd Mercer. Image by Todd Mercer.
Lynn Mundell.*
Main Street
Lynn Mundell.
Speed Dating, 2917
Lynn Mundell.
A Book
Jefferson Navicky.
She Was Told
Toti O'Brien. Image by Toti O'Brien.
In the Moonlight
Toti O'Brien.
This Time
Scott Ragland.
Nothing Will Come of Nothing
Charles Rammelkamp. Image by Charles Rammelkamp.
Two Horses
William Reichard.
Wandering Knuckles
Eldon Reishus. Image by Eldon Reishus.
St. Olaf Senior Center Speed Dating
Eldon Reishus. Image by Robert Del Tredici.
I have never understood
Rosemary Royston.
Suburban Haibun
Darryl Scroggins. Image by Darryl Scroggins.
Night Watch at the Forensics Lab
Darryl Scroggins. Image by Darryl Scroggins.
Mir-Yashar Seyedbagheri.
Green Tea
Steffi Shook.
In the Dark
Steffi Shook.
600 a Month Plus Utilities
Steffi Shook.
Compliment Practice
Scott Smith.
8am Service
Scott Smith.*
Word Problem: Cost of Improvements
Carol Stedronsky.
Word Problem: Jeremy's Socks
Carol Stedronsky.
Columbus Day Storm, 1962
Autumn Stephens.
Funeral Scene
Tricia Theis.
"I want us to be forests I want us to be cool trees"
Robin Turner.
The House We Made
Marcella Vokey.*
A Light in the Alley
Julie Wenglinski.
Julie Wenglinski.
* Editor's Choice Award
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