Two Words
Friendship in two words: discovery, trust. No. Acceptance, truth. Love-but-not-that-kind-of-love (hyphens make this one word), soulmates. Or: and more. Because her face means more than two words. How to explain this to you? A haiku:
Corners of her smile.
There. The parts of me unseen
for a long while. Me.

Chelsey Clammer is the Essays Editor for The Nervous Breakdown and Founding Editor of Her first collection of essays, BodyHome, looks at how we can find the concept of home in our bodies. Her second collection, There Is Nothing Else to See Here, is forthcoming from The Lit Pub. She has been published in The Rumpus, Essay Daily, The Water~Stone Review and Black Warrior Review among many others.
You can see more of her work in 2.1