Issue 3.3
Sibling NightsMarion Deutsche Cohen. Sisters at play.
Alina Stefanescu. Best friends club.
Red Line Beijing
Justin Nicholes. An altered face, an altered memory.
Husák's Children
Peter Korchnak. Children take on responsibility for society.
Kyle Hemmings. A father's legacy haunts a child.
Matthew Werneburg. Son and parents collide.
Steely Boulder
Lola Rainey. A child tries to work out identity.
Under Fire
Trenton Mabey. Comfort from a stranger.
Shellie Zacharia. Interactions with neighbors.
The Fire Bringer
Amy Sayre Baptista. Child interviews grandmother about her courtship.
Postcard Lit
My Inseparable TwinJoachim Frank. A sort of shadow.
Art Post
untitledYee Jan Bao. Drypoint etching of a face.
Shelton Walsmith. A city street, painted over.
Ronna Schary. Photograph of dancers in Cuba.
Scrap Log
Ann Lewis. An open book with collage.
Wisdom and Grace
Derold Sligh. Photograph of adult and child.
Andrew Pidoux. Dinosaur comic.
Shadows 1
Liz Maxwell. Monotype looking through branches.
Erasure Text
UnreformedShelly K. Weathers. Painted universe.
Shelly K. Weathers. Painting a celebration.
Divisions of the Heart (from The Odd Volumes of Ruby B.)
Jody Alexander. Felt, thread, photograph, and a book page speak.
Hidden Gems
HostelTony Leuzzi. Temporary dwellings.
Up from Flathead Valley
Bill Dill. The religion of nature.
A Farmer in a Drought-Stricken Field
William Cullen, Jr.. A connected shadow.
She Gave Back to Him
Robin Turner. Found poem created from Pearl Buck's The Good Earth.
This Time I Know It's For Real
Mica Evans. The effects of marginalization.
Doug Van Hooser. Compared.
London Mystic Topaz
Alastair Johnston. Jazz poem with shadow notes.
Tango with Muppets
Alastair Johnston. Jazz poem with shadow notes.
Sarah Monsma. Knowledge and status.
Heath Brougher. A new look at @.
Al Ortolani. Walking with grandmother near the tracks.
In This City I Have No Name or Things for Which I Must Repent
darlene anita scott. A list becomes a life.
Birthday Photograph, 1997
Anuradha Bhowmik. Not the way things were meant to be.
Not Sexy
Luke Normsy. A man's nostalgic look at self.
Car Wash
David Shaddock. Thinking about privilege through comparisons.
God Marks His Agendas "Draft"
Amy Strauss Friedman. Responsibility and the inevitable.
La Comadreja
Sarah Frances Moran. Relating to the weasel.
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