
Drought Dispatched

Disastrous drought they’re calling it,
nothing more than a trace of rain in two months,
but yesterday’s rumor of showers crackled
over radios and televisions,
and in anticipation, the ordering of things began;
gather up the stray tools, put the tractor away,
tell the geraniums that soon, soon it will be all right,
and go to bed with one ear open,
listening for the sympathetic whisper of rain in the trees,
and the despondent sigh of the landscape
and everything hidden there.

John L. Stanizzi is the author of many books including: Ecstasy Among Ghosts, Sleepwalking, and POND.  His poems and nonfiction may be found in Prairie Schooner, Cortland Review, American Life in Poetry, Stone Coast Review, and others. He was awarded an Artist Fellowship in Creative Non-Fiction, 2021 from the Connecticut Office of the Arts. https://www.johnlstanizzi.com

See more of his work in 8.2 and 7.4

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