Issue 8.3
DreamDavid Capps. Documenting a journey.
Hidden Teeth
Rachel Prizant Kotok. Saving up.
First Job
Daniel Bailey. Learning what's important.
After the Fires
James Gering. Taking stock.
The Gunks
Davis MacMillan. A moment shared with a stranger.
Spread of Literacy
Daryl Scroggins. Just enough.
Side Oculus
Rachel Prizant Kotok. Echo of a sacred space.
Listening to the Sands
Geoffrey Orens. What we gain, what we lose.
Paying Tribute
Maria S. Picone. Above and under.
Our Rat
Emmy Favilla. Strangers help out in Brooklyn.
World View
Daryl Scroggins. Comparative lit.
First House on the BlockBonnie Barrett. Through the pinhole camera.
Rose Agates
Geonni Banner. Velvety scanner art with leaves.
Walls of Kakistopia
Robbin Ami Silverberg. Page opening from artist book.
Still Life with Reflecting Globe
Geonni Banner. Velvety scanner art echoing a painting.
Text-iles, Proverbial Threads & 3 Staffs
Robbin Ami Silverberg. Spools and bobbins wound with paper.
Geonni Banner. Velvety scanner art with leaves and dried plants.
Solomon’s Wisdom: A Fable, A Poem, A Eulogy, A Dream, Ten Nests and Eight Holes
Robbin Ami Silverberg. Page opening from artist book with nests.
It Used to Be
Bonnie Barrett. Through the pinhole camera.
Hidden Gems
The BoxerSandra Kacher. Will of a kite.
When Trapped
Christian Hanz Lozada. Reflecting on inheritance.
Trivarna Hariharan. Memory of a grandmother.
The Door Is Locked, the Windows Are Open
K.M. Crane. The work of making sense.
Theology Lesson on a Country Road
Kathleen Wedl. Lies and truths.
Sweet Dreams
B. Dixon. A haibun on the street.
Peeling the Onion
Micki Blenkush. Delicate decisionmaking.
My Muslim Refugee Student
David M. Alper. Learning to abide.
Trivarna Hariharan. An ordinary moment of joy.
You Must Navigate Home to Restart
Sasha Torchinsky. Adjustments and adaptation.
MonsterKelly Miller. Erasure from Death by Eggplant.
Getaway / Get Away Responses
During these unprecedented times we have added a new themed section; the theme varies each issue. Each accepted contributor is asked if they would like to add a response piece or two in their own style and genre, in whatever way they are moved to do so. These are the accepted "getaway / get away" pieces that were received by August 5, 2020.Mapmakers of the Dawn
Kelly Miller. Finding our way in the world. From Ohio.
Kathleen Wedl. Navigating shared living in a Spanish-speaking country.
Expedition to Fantasy Island
Bonnie Barrett. Through the pinhole camera in Arcadia, CA.
Walking Cities
Emmy Favilla. A New Yorker's explorations on foot.
James Gering. Adapting to sound in New York from Sydney.
Oaxaca Morning on My Way to Spanish Class
Sandra Kacher. A light morning after a sleepless night.
Off the Coast of Turkey
James Gering. Morning and the fisherfolk.
Kelly Miller. Erasure from The Day I Found You.
2001: A Place Odyssey (Torres del Paine National Park, Chile)
Rachel Prizant Kotok. Result of a two-year Patagonian trip.
Daniel Bailey. Escaping into books and memory from Mexico City to Washington state.
Daryl Scroggins. Relief in Texas.
Someone Else
Davis MacMillan. Re-evaluating in New York or anywhere.
I Wish I Was a Snowbird
Sasha Torchinsky. The long view, from Vancouver, B.C. to Florida.
These Wire Cages
Micki Blenkush. The natural world in northern Minnesota.
Mini Vacation, July 2020
Micki Blenkush. Humans in the landscape in northern Minnesota.
Dream Residency
Maria S. Picone. Imagining Provincetown, Massachusetts.
Essence of Beach
Maria S. Picone. Portal to a view in New England.
Making Up
Trivarna Hariharan. Reconciliation in Nainital, India.
©2020 never mind the press and the authors and artists