Solomon’s Wisdom: A Fable, A Poem, A Eulogy, A Dream, Ten Nests and Eight Holes
Four texts are printed on papers that vary in weight & translucency, increasing the fragmentation of the choreography of the read. One is the eulogy I wrote for my mother, which is ripped apart and stapled together again, resulting in gaping holes &endash; an homage to both motherhood and to the wisdom that the sum of parts can never equal the whole.
Varied edition of 5; Archival inkjet printing on Dobbin Mill papers, stainless steel staples; 2011
Photographed by Dorka Hubner
Robbin Ami Silverberg’s artwork is divided between artist books and site-specific installations. She is the founding director of Dobbin Mill, a hand-papermaking studio, and Dobbin Books, whose 30th year is being celebrated by her retrospective, “Read Me. Like a Book”. Paper has consistently been her preferred material, and she has explored its potential as a non-neutral substrate in her image-making, bookmaking, and process. Her publications may be found in over 130 public collections. Silverberg is a professor for “Art of the Book” at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. www.robbinamisilverberg.com
See more of Robbin's work in 8.3 and 8.3 again