Issue 8.4
To read the magazine in the mixed genre, sequential print order, start here.Shorts
Date NightDaniel Clark. A shy move.
Daniel Clark. When things go south.
The Kiss
Simon Howells. Magnetism in a chance meeting.
Ricky Ray. "A wish's truth."
Varieties of Service
Ricky Ray. To everyone, their abilities.
Nitrogen Cycle
Kimberly Go. In the woods.
Bucket Head Zid
Doug Mathewson. Crazy Uncle.
frog or?Richard Herring. Humorous ink drawing.
someone to hold on to
Richard Herring. Ink drawing.
tea at café nadja
Richard Herring. Primary color acrylic painting.
on tuesday we paint birds
Richard Herring. Primary color acrylic painting.
local shop
Richard Herring. Humorous ink and charcoal drawing.
Vintage Cans #4
Lia Roozendaal. Finding beauty in a photograph.
Circling Back
Lia Roozendaal. Finding beauty in a photograph of found objects.
Vintage Cans #2
Lia Roozendaal. Finding beauty in a photograph of found objects.
Buckeye 2017
Lia Roozendaal. Black and white panoramic photograph.
Black & White, in Defiance
Shakirah Peterson. Black and white photograph.
Hidden Gems
Birds Sometimes Forget / A veces los pájaros olvidanEmily R. Frankenberg. A lark bunting's musing.
Richard Jones. A code word.
Kimberly Kralowec. In the present moment.
When You Call
Ricky Ray. Reflections on opening the door.
Shy People in the New Reality / Los tímidos en la nueva realidad
Emily R. Frankenberg. Interacting during a pandemic.
Earth Tones
Kevin Canfield. Where the human-made and natural world intersect.
"Cobra Rustle"
Nancy Jo Allen. A journey of auto-correct.
Ali Salzmann. Acknowledgment.
Patrice Boyer Claeys. A cento.
Patrice Boyer Claeys. A cento.
Amour Maorie Ellis. Corn and friendship.
Hell Freezes Over
Maia Joy. Evaluating a relationship.
Amour Maorie Ellis. Listening and not listening.
Richard Jones. Daydreaming.
Degrees of Kevin Bacon
Todd Mercer. Evaluations.
Coleman Bomar. Lost, buried, or forgotten.
HugsJ.I. Kleinberg. Collage poem.
J.I. Kleinberg. Collage poem.
Fossick no. 1
Lauren Paredes. Source: Flight to Arras by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, p.222
Double-edged Gift Responses
During these unprecedented times we have added a new themed section; the theme varies each issue. Each accepted contributor is asked if they would like to add a response piece or two in their own style and genre, in whatever way they are moved to do so. These are the accepted "double-edged gift" pieces that were received by November 5, 2020.double-edged gift
Richard Herring. Humorous ink and crayon drawing.
Save Yourself
Richard Jones. Apartment sitting.
Leave It to the Experts
Kevin Canfield. A scare.
First Open Window During the Pandemic
Patrice Boyer Claeys. A slowing down.
To My Rescue Cat / Al gato que rescaté
Emily R. Frankenberg. A mystery.
Sunday Morning Newspaper
Nancy Jo Allen. After a divorce.
The Printer
Kimberly Go. A mother's gift.
©2020 never mind the press and the authors and artists