Issue 6.3
Outside a Kindergarten in Fragrant HarborFlo Au. A directive to a child.
The Fish
Marie Baléo. A metaphorical story.
Sisyphus Reborn
Mandy Chen. Choices.
Them Skulls
Woody Evans. A question of religion.
The Luna Moth
Alexandra Cline. Reflection on a moth.
Postcards from My Future Self
Sheree Winslow. Three microessays.
The Soup You're Served
Foster Trecost. A legacy.
A Bond.
Kaori Fujimoto. Witnessing love and judgment on a train.
The Angels' Day Job
Ona Siporin. Beauty and responsibility.
UnravelConnie Liu. Unravel.
Boulevard Daydream
Ross Allison. Drawing.
Drummer Wanted
Ross Allison. Drawing.
Judgey Chairs
Lucia Dill. Two digital drawings.
Closing Track
Ross Allison. Drawing.
With Skin
Jessy Randall. Photograph of a sign.
Sparrow on a Wire Fence
Dianne Ayres. Photograph.
Hidden Gems
A Crow Among GullsMartha Christina. A memory walk.
Stirred, Not Shaken
Janet Stevenson. Yes, a martini.
Sharon Ankrum. Intermingling thoughts of the poet and the children.
Our World
Jrake Sudario. Progress or not, a haiku.
A. Anupama. Love in the classroom.
Flip it on the Solstice and rotate on the Equinox
Kali Lightfoot. Relationship via object.
James Croal Jackson. Social bouquets.
On being stung by a bee on the way to Debre Berhan Selassie Church
Marjory Woodfield. A stinging moment.
Al Masmak
Marjory Woodfield. Not the Finnish delegation.
Circular Highway
Douglas Cole. In the field.
Three Bears, New Home
Micki Blenkush. Openings.
Mike Ferguson. What is belief?
Thinning Beets
Martha Christina. Power and reluctance.
Word + Image
MannequinErin Barnett and Alyse Knorr. Entry and exit points.
Looking Up
Charles Hobson. Michelangelo ponders.
©2018 never mind the press and the authors and artists