Issue 5.2
Bus StopCL Bledsoe. Listening.
From: The Truest Autobiography I Ever Wrote
Penelope Scambly Schott. Fragile fragments.
Your Whale
Hugh Behm-Steinberg. Acceptance and longing.
Hugh Behm-Steinberg. Changing slowly.
Radhika Subramaniam. From butterflies to a genocide museum to South Texas.
The Other Words
Grant Price. A child's double life.
Why You and I Are Not and Will Never Be the Kinds of People Who Get Married on the Subway
Krys Malcolm Belc. Just under the surface.
Postcard Lit
Kitchen SinkThomas Griffin. Free of judgment.
AC 749 Fly
Matthew Hittinger. Stowaway.
Art Post
CircularmanThomas Gillaspy. Photograph.
Standing on the World
Stanley Horowitz. Photograph.
Public Trust
Diana Vazquez. Photograph.
Transitory Space, Nova Scotia, Canada, Point Pleasant 1
Leah Oates. Photograph.
C.B. Auder. Collage.
Hh is for…
giovanni singleton. Letterpress poster.
Clueless Tourist: Tokyo, Japan
Angela Seon Young Lee. Sequential comic.
Erasure Text
Call MeNancy Hathaway. From the first page of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.
The Wide Net
Jessica Goodfellow. From pp. 92-93 of The Wide Net by Eudora Welty.
Hidden Gems
Missing TokensJacqueline Jules. After the vote.
Jamie Haddox. Attempts at control.
Alex MacConochie. Approaching understanding.
Mi Regalo
Jessica Mehta. Gift me.
After Setbacks, We Go Sideways
Tracy Mishkin. Continuous motion.
A Woman in the Doorway
Sarah Summerson. Shadow of strength.
At the Bus Depot
Thomas Griffin. Left behind.
Sergio A. Ortiz. Daily replay.
Bradley Samore. Practicing.
F.I. Goldhaber. Conflicted.
I Ask the Class Who Else Has Been in the Military and the Class Is Silent
Ron Riekki. Addressing apathy.
Making Kombucha (and Everything)
Vivian Wagner. Sharing potential.
On Tape, Circa 1975
Jenna Heller. Before the future.
Sunday Morning
Micki Blenkush. Waiting with a stranger.
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