

You are a speck in the distance at first, advancing. Our growing proximity defines your features; dark blue eyeliner, curly black ringlets, a white kurti and colorful patiala shalwar. We walk further into sunlight, and I think I’ve caught your eye. You look at me, knowingly, and I realize you must be the girl from my literature course. Then you smile, bright as the day, and lift your hand to wave. Instinctively, I wave too, laughing. We draw closer and closer, until it hits me that your eyes are elsewhere. You walk straight past to hug the girl behind me.

Pireh Moosa (she/her) is a media student based in Karachi who loves reading, writing, and anything musical. Currently, her published work can be found or is forthcoming in The Smart Set, Blue Marble Review, Ice Lolly Review, The Aleph Review, and Pandemonium Journal. On most days, you will find her trading in possibly productive time for peaceful K-Drama bingeing.

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