
The Lost and Found

The lost and found is not a sad place for things. At the lost and found, all things are equal. A diamond brooch and a whoopee cushion are just two lost things at the lost and found. That is not a sad thing. It would be sad if they were people, not things. It would be sad if the two lost things were not a diamond brooch and a whoopee cushion but you and me. It would be sad because we’d know we were lost, hoping to be found, and not quite believing we ever will. But things can’t hope. And perhaps they can’t truly be lost either.

Peter Cherches has published six volumes of fiction and nonfiction since 2013. His writing has also appeared in scores of magazines, anthologies and websites, including Harper’s, Bomb, Semiotext(e), and Fiction International, as well as Billy Collins’ Poetry 180 website and anthology. These pieces will appear in his next chapbook, Things, in April. He is a native of Brooklyn, New York.

You can see more of Peter's work in 11.1 and 2.1 and 2.1

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