Issue 1.1
The Great War of 1914Alastair Johnston. Childhood and memory.
Past Time
William Copeland. A baseball from another era.
Lauren Guza Brown. Borders, edges, and divisions in school.
That's Why They Call It Dialectic
Jonathan Lethem. Rose remembers Chaim.
Language Is How We Talk Back to the Universe
Leonard Crosby. Essay on hotness and the sounds of language.
Still Life
Jane Downs. The art of vision: a narrative in poetic form.
Marie C. Dern. Essay on the sensuality of printing.
Postcard Lit
RagsMary Whiteside and Alan Whiteside. More than a scarecrow.
Judith Tannenbaum. Childhood and memory and assimilation.
Mary Holmes Painting in Her Studio
Jim Hair. An artist explains.
Art Post
Wooded HouseWilliam Hicks. Patterns in black and white.
Rachel Smith. Bird with a green bead.
Rachel Smith. Crow with a book.
Erasure Text
Selections from Mein KampfLisa Kokin. Subverting the text, juxtaposing the word.
Hidden Gems
The Unreliable NarratorMaureen Kingston. What we know and what we think we know.
Averted Truth
Alan D. Harris. Reality in black and white and color.
Another Metaphor Takes Form
Jnana Hodson. Transformation.
Jimmy Carter
Hugh Behm-Steinberg. Viewpoint from Jimmy Carter's eyes.
Ron. Lavalette. A portrait and a way of life.
Heaven Will Never Be The Same
Stephen Ajay. Walking through Mountain View Cemetery.
The Magyar
Gina. Hungarian memory.
Cleaning Out the Bank
Paul Hostovsky. A first job.
©2013 never mind the press and the authors and artists
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