St. Olaf Senior Center Speed Dating
I told her I formerly lunched daily with Borges, bought him his first toupée. She said Borges wore no toupée. I apologized. I meant Picasso. In his courtyard slippery with chameleons I read Picasso Chesterton and helped his hands find figs. She said she was looking for a Sudoku partner.

Eldon Reishus lives beneath the Alps outside Munich (Landkreis Bad Tölz – Wolfratshausen). A writer, a German-English translator, and an all-around web and print media pro, he originates from Fort Smith, Arkansas. Follow him: @EldonReishus. Call on him:
You can see more of his work in 2.4 and 50/50
Robert Del Tredici is an artist, photographer, and teacher with a BA in philosophy, an MA in Comparative Literature (University of California, Berkeley), and an interest in the dynamic between image and text. His first sustained artwork was a series of 100 pen- and-ink illustrations to Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, done in the early 1960s. He studied under Tibetan teacher Chogyam Trungpa in the early 1970s, who gave him the name “Good Eye of Enlightenment.”