Sunkissed, pine-breezed, bare arms,
knees. Buddy built a swing. Harder!
Higher! Bird in throat.
Sunkissed, pine-breezed, bare arms,
knees. Taste of grass, smell of summer
soil. Song of rope, oak. Sun-
kissed, pine-breezed. I leap. Leaves
applause. Leap and leap again.
Applause. Bird in throat, feathered arms,
I’m home. Sky-bound, sunkissed.
Art: Larry Caveney is interested in using his performative and video art to create bridges of communication within a community. His work highlights the ways in which norms are constructed by societies by challenging their boundaries and laughing at his own conformity.
See more of his work in 9.2 and 9.2 and 9.2
Writing: Rosemary Royston, author of Second Sight (forthcoming 2021, Kelsay Press) and Splitting the Soil (Finishing Line Press, 2014), resides in the northeast Georgia mountains with her family. Her poetry and flash fiction have been published in journals such as POEM, Split Rock Review, Southern Poetry Review, Poetry South, and KUDZU. She is an Assistant Professor of English at Young Harris College. https://theluxuryoftrees.wordpress.com
See more of her work in 9.2 and Special Flash 50/50 and 1.4