David Koehn's first full-length manuscript, Twine, now available from Bauhan Publishing, won the 2013 May Sarton Poetry Prize. David just released Compendium (Omnidawn Publishing 2017), a collection of Donald Justice's take on prosody. David's second full-length collection, Scatterplot, is due out from Omnidawn Publishing in 2020.
Rebecca Resinski is a professor of Classics at Hendrix College and one of the editors of Heron Tree, an online poetry journal. She also designs and produces pamphlets and chapbooks under the imprint Cuckoo Grey.
David Koehn and Rebecca Resinski erased Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sign of the Four, alternating between the two of them and each choosing one word at a time, leaving four words per page. Source: Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle, page 129