

you don’t want one
don’t get one.
No gun to your head,
at least not yet.
Why are you so pissed?
The anger erases days
of precious life.
Move that turtle
fighting to get to the other side
of the road.
Eat an orange,
Forget making the bed.
Whistle, even if you can’t.
Eat the Reese’s cup with relish.
Don’t worry about your dirty feet.

R. James Sennett Jr. Nipping at the heels like a pup way too attentive, poetry has pursued this word student all his life. The muse has a funny way of showing up when it wants to make its presence known. He can do no other but to follow. Living and writing in Louisville, Kentucky. Publications include The Louisville Review, The Thinker Review, The Birmingham Poetry Review, The Taj Mahal Review and The Journal of Expressive Writing.

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