

And the downside was unbeknownst to me, the applesauce might have been spoiled. It was unclear as to whether the applesauce was spoiled, or if it was perfectly good.

The applesauce was quite delicious in a way that I had never tasted before. Unusually thick, with cinnamon and apple chunks.

What kinds of apples were used?
I felt as though I was at a state dinner.

Marc Isaac Potter (we/they/them)…is a differently-abled writer living in the SF Bay Area. Marc’s interests include blogging by email and Zen. They have been published in Fiery Scribe Review, Feral A Journal of Poetry and Art, Poetic Sun Poetry, and Provenance Journal.

See more of Marc's work in issue 12.1 and 12.1 and 11.4

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