Issue 10.4
To read the magazine in the mixed genre, sequential print order, start here.Shorts
In Hawai'iJennifer Lai. More than a language.
Kathryn Ganfield. Driving preschoolers.
Harbour Lights, Once More
Ian C Smith. Reminiscence on a ferry.
Birth of a Boxer
Phebe Jewell. Notions of beauty.
Cautious Your Asks
Ranney Campbell. Working for Amazon.
Meditations in the Center of a Maelstrom
Leslie Benigni. Eye of the storm in an institution.
Baby ElephantKay Bradner. Watercolor.
Kristina Nobleman. Collage.
Kristina Nobleman. Collage.
Cape 2018
M Patrick Riggin. Painting.
Kay Bradner. Watercolor.
Mountain Fold 5
Kristina Nobleman. Monotype print.
Three Mice Tails
Kay Bradner. Watercolor.
Mountain Fold Quartet
Kristina Nobleman. Monotype print.
Kay Bradner. Watercolor.
M Patrick Riggin. Painting.
Deer Painting
Kay Bradner. Watercolor.
Hidden Gems
On Central StreetMartha Christina. Grandmother's beliefs.
Again and Again
Martha Christina. Childhood, reminded.
Now & Then
Paul Hostovsky. Enjoying the past.
After this Poem
Jeff Armbruster. In the moment.
Prison Poetry Reading
Paul Hostovsky. Punishment on its head.
From The Sleeping Dictionary 2
Daryl Scroggins. Humorous definitions.
2008 Fragment (College)
James Croal Jackson. Adventures in and out of IKEA.
A Pelican plunged from the sky today
Richard Weaver. Parallel fishing.
Cousins, at Eight
Martha Christina. Freedom at play.
This Year's Fledglings
Martha Christina. At the feeder.
A Cockatrice Couple
James Croal Jackson. A relationship.
James Croal Jackson. Connection.
Flower Petals in the Mud
Jerry Krajnak. How to explain?
M Patrick Riggin. Hello, moon.
Collage Poems
Darknessjade rose king. Poem in a notebook.
Daniel Lehan. From the series, "Reminiscences."
Mother Gave
Daniel Lehan. From the series, "Reminiscences."
her eyes again
Daniel Lehan. From the series, "Reminiscences."
Word + Image
Other People's Pregnancy AnnouncementsFrances Klein. Poem + collage.
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