
11 Months in London

As I turn left off Oxford Street
cloaked in a low sky and shuffling
along with the other furrowed brows

I search for the accent of my youth
“Tomato” or “Tomahto” or “Tomata”
“Aunt” or “Ant” or “Auntie”

Punching my cold fists into a
Harrods jacket I enter the tube,
shortly reaching another
grey gray station and soon see
a pub with an old-fashioned
clock against the liquored mirror,

damn, it’s way past our meeting time
and am I at the right place?

I really could go for
comfort food now, we need this


“Buffalo Wings?” Or is it “Fish and Chips?”
Maybe “Saltfish?”

Which of these do I want?
Eh, it’s too late for such a

A sudden hiss of wind
angrily flaps my jacket, and
a raindrop

taps my shoulder—
as a stranger does when they have
wandered and need

Tony Walton is a Caribbean writer living in the Cayman Islands and his works have appeared in Storyteller Magazine, Moonkind Press, Whisperings Magazine, Mountain Tales Press, Out of Our Magazine, among others. tonywalton.blogspot.com